apr. 28

read THIS blog post by a teacher. i mean actually read it. take it in. think about it. and then, write about it. what do you think about it? what is the teacher trying to say? in your own words explain what "the main event" is.

i do agree with this article, and i really like it. it's nice to finally hear a teacher say something different - something we really need to hear and understand. i think it's super important that students are recognized for their efforts, rather than just the highest numbers. not all students can get hundreds on everything. there are people working their butts off trying to maintain a passing grade, and there are some that get perfect scores without trying, and i believe students should be recognized by their effort. the teacher is trying to say that yes, some certain things we learn in school don't actually matter, but it's the perseverance it takes to finish them that does matter. i think that the "main event" is to be able to get through it all without quitting. as easy or as hard as a class may be, no matter what the grade you get is, the whole point is to be able to get through it all.

apr. 14

3 day weekend... how was it? give me a good story or something funny that happened this weekend. go.

my weekend was amazing! on saturday, i spent the day at the solo/ensemble festival at olathe south high school. i was going to perform there but had to cancel because there were some issues with the copyright of our music. i mostly went to help/support/and listen to my boyfriend's performances and i also heard a handful of other people. we went to ihop in between (photo) and starbucks afterwards. i had church saturday night and sunday. sunday, i also went over to a friends house for dinner and we played catchphrase; i was laughing to the point of crying. monday was mostly a lazy day so i just stayed at home.

apr. 7

tell me all about what your idea is for your stop-motion animation. i need detail. who is going to help you take photos? what props do you need? where do you plan on shooting? explain everything.

my idea is to make a painting using stop motion animation that features the painting creating itself, no person in it. it would include the supplies getting itself out of the box, opening up, and pouring itself into a plate or palette. then, the brush would begin to do the work (though i don't know how to make a brush float in midair so i might just have the paint do it without the brush). i don't know if i'll need someone to help me. i might do the painting while i have a friend take the photos. i'll probably shoot this at my house - it'll make things a million times easier because i won't have to stay after school or move supplies around.

apr. 6

tell me about your weekend.

my weekend was fairly eventful. friday i didn't do much - i was pretty tired so i just went home and slept. saturday, i worked on homework and went to an evening church service. on sunday, i went to church of the resurrection (i don't normally go there) because my boyfriend was performing in their service. after that i went to my own church and then to work. work was super slow (thank god) because it easter. after i got off, i hung out with my boyfriend for a couple of hours and then went home.

apr. 2

what do you love most about this time of the year?

the whether is starting to warm up and i can spend more time outside. also, i feel like school isn't as rigorous as earlier in the year (this small chunk right before finals gets close is nice). i also like this time of the year because you know you're getting close to the end. less than two months and it's time for summer break.